What Gold Pan Color Is Best?

Independently on your skill level, a pan is an essential tool for a prospector. Picking the right one for your needs can be tricky if you are unsure what to look for. A pan’s color is one of the most important details to consider because it can affect your ability to identify gold particles in it.

The best color for a pan is one that contrasts with the color of gold. The most popular pans are black, blue, green, or terracotta. Each prospector will pick a color among these that suits their needs and eyesight. Generally, colors that stand out against the environment and materials work best.

If you are still not sure what works best for you, let’s dive into the best options.

Metal vs. Plastic Pans

A durable and lightweight gold pan is a crucial tool for any prospector and can be used for prospecting or sampling terrain before filing a mining claim. When picking the right pan for their prospecting needs, gold seekers must consider several characteristics. 

These features include size, cost, material, riffles’ size and type, and color. One of the most significant decisions to make is whether to opt for a metal or plastic pan. While knowledgeable prospectors will gladly use the metal pan they have been using for years, all experts in the prospecting field agree that a plastic pan is more suitable for beginners.

Indeed, metal pans are usually more cumbersome and prone to rusting[1]. They also need to be worn in before use, and not all models will boast adequate riffles. Instead, plastic pans are lighter and durable, and they will float if they are accidentally dropped during the panning process. These also include sets of “cheater’s riffles,”[2] which are uniform, durable, and molded in the pan’s surfaces. 

One of the crucial advantages of choosing a plastic pan over a metal one is that you can select an appropriate color for it. Indeed, metal pans are not painted, which can make it more challenging to spot gold at the end of the panning process. 

Available Colors

By opting for a plastic pan, you can now choose the most suitable color for your needs. There are several different colors on the market to choose from. Generally, these are all appropriate choices because they are designed by experts in the sector and ready to use[3]. 

However, expert prospectors understand that different colors can influence your ability to identify and retrieve gold in your pan. Especially in the case of fine gold and smaller gold particles, picking a pan color on which gold can stand out is essential.

Here are some of the colors you are likely to find on the market when looking for a suitable gold pan.


Black was one of the most popular colors for plastic pans in the past few years. Several manufacturers still produce these pans, and they are among the favorite ones for some prospectors. Black pans are more suitable for the finishing stages of the panning process. During the initial stages, the black color can strain your eyes and make it challenging to identify the black sand[4] in your pan. 


  • Perfect for the finishing stages
  • Gold is easy to see
  • Many manufacturers still produce them


  • Can strain your eyes
  • The black sand does not contrast with the pan’s bottom


Green pans are undoubtedly the most popular types prospectors can find on the market today. They come in different sizes, and they are perfect for each stage of the gold panning process. Gold and black sand concentrates are easily identifiable on the pan’s surface, and it won’t strain your eyes. 


  • Gold is easy to identify on a green pan
  • It won’t strain your eyes
  • It is the most popular color
  • Black sands are visible


  • It can easily blend with the surrounding, causing you to leave your pan behind inadvertently. 

Red (Terra Cotta) and Hot Pink

These are relatively new colors for a gold pan. While some prospectors’ first one is generally accepted and appreciated, hot pink pans boast some disadvantages to consider. Indeed, before investing in a gold pan, you should keep in mind that you are likely to be staring at it for long hours. Hot pink pans can strain the eye and cause your vision to become blurry.  


  • Gold and black sand concentrates are easily visible.
  • Produced by regarded manufacturers


  • Especially the hot pink color can strain the eye just a few minutes after starting to use the pan. 


Blue is one of the best colors for a gold pan. It does not strain the eye as much as other models, gold and black sands are easily visible, and there is an increasing range of varieties on the market. Moreover, they don’t blend with the surrounding environment as much as green pans would.


  • Gold stands out
  • There are many models on the market
  • Don’t blend with the environment
  • Don’t strain the eye
  • Suitable for all panning stages


There are also other types of gold pans on the market, which boast innovative colors. For example, the Gold Claw Gold Pan also comes in tones such as purple and white. 

Other Factors to Consider

Ultimately, the best color for a gold pan depends on the taste and needs of the prospector. However, understanding how the color wheel works and picking a tone that is complementary to gold (blue, purple) allows you to identify this metal quickly. 

Aside from personal taste, other factors to consider in the choice of your pan are:

  • What works best for you – not all gold seekers have the same prospecting needs, or they will go panning in the same location. 
  • Picking a color on which gold stands out – if you have opted for a plastic pan, you can choose the color of the pan. In this case, opt for one that you can use in several different locations without having to struggle to see the gold. 
  • Avoid colors that can strain your eyes – one of the most common mistakes made by prospectors is to pick a bright pan on which gold is easily visible. However, it would be best if you never underestimated how long the panning process can take. So picking a color that does not add strain on your eyes and vision is essential to carry on with your activities.

Different Colors for Different Uses

If you have been hunting for the perfect gold pan, you would know that they come in different sizes and with several sets of riffles. This is because the panning stage follows several steps, for each of which you might need a different pan. For example, a smaller pan with a higher number of smaller riffles is perfect for analyzing black sands and concentrates. Instead, larger pans are perfect for the initial stages. 

Many prospectors opt for differently-colored pans depending on the gold panning stage. Generally, a large green, blue, or black pan is ideal for the initial phases of stratification and suspension of the materials. 

However, when everything that is left in the pan is black sands concentrates, you should opt for a brighter pan. Indeed, the black sands can include other materials such as silver and platinum. While not as valuable as gold, you might not necessarily wish to discard them. 

You could opt to use a terra cotta, red, green, or white pan for the job. here you can find a video that reviews the best pans for each stage.


Panning for gold can be an exciting activity, but it can also be profitable through the right knowledge and equipment. A pan is undoubtedly an important device for prospectors to have, and its color can affect your ability to identify gold. 

When picking one, opt for a tone that contrasts with the gold color, but it will not strain the eye. Blue, green, and black are generally considered the best colors for this tool.

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